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1 Skip Intro  Apr 19, 2014 10:16:58am
Mustang Schools Superintendent Sean McDaniel told the outlet the course is totally nonsectarian and was written by scholars with various religious backgrounds.

“The curriculum has been through a rigorous review to check for bias and ensure the content is neutral,” McDaniel told the Christian post.

If no atheists were asked to review it, then it certainly is not neutral.

2 Flounder  Apr 19, 2014 10:47:03am

I read this twice as “Bible Curse”
Go figure.

3 sauceruney  Apr 19, 2014 11:16:58am

The Bible or whatever book you follow should be taught in the church or other place of worship. Or the home.

Spend that money on church school scholarships for those who want them and stop Hobby Lobbying school boards.

4 blueraven  Apr 20, 2014 12:20:32pm

re: #3 sauceruney

The Bible or whatever book you follow should be taught in the church or other place of worship. Or the home.

Spend that money on church school scholarships for those who want them and stop Hobby Lobbying school boards.

It is fine, in college, to take comparative religion classes or to study religious text. Most high school teachers do not have the expertise to teach religious courses. Nor do high schools have the means to effectively oversee such classes.

It is a very bad idea for HS which sadly has also been adopted here in TX as well.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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